

作者:旭月(北京)科技有限公司 2019-07-10T12:02 (访问量:2166)



标题:Aeration Increases Cadmium (Cd) Retention by Enhancing Iron Plaque Formation and Regulating Pectin Synthesis in the Roots of Rice (Oryza sativa) Seedlings





3周龄水稻幼苗,50uM CdCl2及充空气(每小时30分钟)处理14天

0.01mM CdCl2,0.1mM KCl, 0.1mM CaCl2 and 0.3mM MES , pH 5.4



Aeration and water management increasingrhizosphere oxygen amount significantly promote rice (Oryza sativa) growth andyield, but the effect of root aeration on cadmium (Cd) toxicity andaccumulation in rice seedlings under hydroponic culture remains unclear.

Results showed that aeration promoted riceseedling growth and alleviated Cd toxicity. Transverse section discovered thatCd accelerated root mature and senescence while aeration delayed the mature andsenescence of roots. Non-invasive Micro-test Technology (NMT) showed thataeration increased net O2 and Cd2+ influxes on the surface of roots whiledecreased net Cd2+ influx in xylem. Perls blue staining showed that aerationand Cd treatments increased iron plaque formation on the surface of roots.Results of metal concentration analysis showed that besides increasing Cdretention in iron plaque, aeration also increasing Cd retention in the cellwall of rice roots. Cell wall component analysis showed that aeration not onlyincreased pectin content but also decreased pectin methylesterification degree(PMD) by increasing pectin methylesterase (PME) activity.


All of these results indicate that aerationnot only delays root mature and senescence but also increases Cd retention in rootsby enhancing iron plaque formation and regulating pectin synthesis in the rootsof rice seedlings.


曝气和水分管理增加根际氧气量显着促进了水稻(Oryza sativa)的生长和产量,但根系曝气对水培过程中水稻幼苗镉(Cd)毒性和积累的影响仍不清楚。



Fig. 3 Effects of aeration or/and 50 μM CdCl2 treatments on net O2 and Cd2+ fluxes in the roots of rice seedling. a Time-course of Net O2 flux on the surface of root at 500 μm from root apex (elongation zone); b Time-course of Net Cd2+ flux on the surface of root at 500 μm from apex (elongation zone); c Statistical results of steady-state net O2 and Cd2+ fluxes on the surface of root at 500 μm from apex (elongation zone); d Time-course of Net O2 flux on the surface of root at 200 μm from root apex (meristematic zone); e Time-course of Net Cd2+ flux on the surface of root at 200 μm from apex (meristematic zone); f Statistical results of steady-state net O2 and Cd2+ fluxes on the surface of root at 200 μm from apex (meristematic zone); g Time-course of Net O2 flux in the xylem of root at 500 μm from root apex (elongation zone); h Time-course of Net Cd2+ flux in the xylem of root at 500 μm from apex (elongation zone); i Statistical results of steady-state net O2 and Cd2+ fluxes in the xylem of root at 500 μm from apex (elongation zone). The 3-week-old rice seedlings under hydroponic culture were aerated with air pump (30 min per hour) in the absence or presence of 50 μM CdCl2 for 14 d. The values are means ± SE (n = 100). Different letters on bar indicate significant differences at P < 0.05


旭月(北京)科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 海淀区苏州街49-3号盈智大厦601室


电 话: 010-82622628;010-62656315;010-62523549

传 真: 010-82622629(传真/直拨电话)



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